- Golfer
- An 'Out-curve' - the beginning
- An 'Out-curve' - the end
- Articles of a base-ball outfit
- Base-runner keeping on to third
- Batting for fielders' practice
- Catcher running for a 'Foul Fly'
- Catcher signalling to pitcher
- Catcher throwing down to second
- Diagram of pitcher's curves
- Diagram of the field
- 'Jump in front of the ball'
- Fielder catching a fly
- First baseman catching a high ball
- First baseman taking a low throw by reaching forward
- First baseman taking a low throw on the long bound
- First baseman throwing to second for a double-play
- Lamar after passing Yale's Twenty-five-yard line
- Lamar dodging the Yale tacklers
- Laying out an amateur field
- Making an opening for a runner, under the old rules, by using the arms
- Making sure of a catch - left-fielder catching
- On the alert
- Out!
- Pitcher at practice in the 'Cage'
- Pitching a 'Drop' Ball
- Playing a trick on the base-runner
- Practising throwing with the 'spool'
- Putting the shot
- Quarter-back taking the ball
- Running to first base
- A Fair tackle
- A pitcher's victim. Out on strikes
- A runner caught between third base and the home plate
- A Touch-down
- A wild throw and a safe slide to second
- The Catcher
- The body protector and Catcher's mask
- Short-Arm throw, the beginning
- Short-Arm throw, the end
- Shutting off a runner at the Home-plate
- Sliding to base
- Stopping a grounder
- The umpire did not see Gardner at all
- Third baseman intercepting the slide of a runner from second
- The old woolen costume
- We crossed the home-plate within three feet of each other
- Football
- Looking at the Race
- Babe Ruth
- Baseball player catching a ball
- We’ll Enter to Win, Boys!
- It was a Massive Silver Cup
- 'We are Going to Win,' Declared Harriet
- The Coming Game - Yale versus Vassar
- Device for developing the Abdominal Muscles
- A Chest-deepener
- Skaters on the Reservoir at La Villette
- Skating
- Badminton in the studio