7 photos
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- The flight into Egypt
- Manger scene
- 3 Wise Men
- Little ones should be brought to Him
- The Foolish Virgins
- Christ walking on the water
- Peter and the tribute money
- The Withered hand
- The parable of the leaven
- Peter's wife's mother
- The Enemy sowing Tares
- The Parable of the talents
- The Unjust Judge
- The parable of the net
- Anointing the feet of Jesus
- The Pharisee and the Tax gatherer
- The Phillipian Jailor before Paul and Silas
- Without the wedding garment
- Christ and the Centurion
- Importunity Rewarded
- Sowing the seed
- The woman of Canaan
- Jesus ascending to Heaven
- The Unjust steward
- The labourers in the vineyard
- The unmerciful servant
- Cured by touching His garment
- The man possessed by devils
- The unfruitful tree
- Feeding five thousand
- Jairus' daughter
- The Rich man and the beggar
- The Two blind men
- Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us
- The Barren fig tree
- The Shepherd and the lambs
- The wicked husbandman
- The Good Samaritan
- The merchant seeking goodly pearls
- The treasure hid in a field
- Angel at the tomb
- Jesus in the temple
- The lost piece of money
- Lois, Eunice and Timothy
- New Testament
- He lifted the child gently and carried him toward the inn
- Early in the afternoon, a wind rose from the south. The sky grew dark
- Fishermen rowing back to shore
- Fishermenenjoying breakfast
- Symeon
- Palm Sunday
- Pharisee
- Roman Soldiers and a Jew
- Jesus on the cross
- John the Baptist in prison
- Judas reciving 30 pieces of silver
- Mary washing the feet of Jesus
- Herod troubled
- Jesus and Phillip