- The dog's grave
- Snatched from death's jaws - Isaac Smith
- First Legal Execution
- The mode of enfolding the dead
- Kestrel
- New Environs of Ekaterinburg
- Plan of Ipatiev’s House and Grounds and of Upper and Basement Floors
- Jesus on cross
- Method of baiting guillotine trap
- Jesus on the cross
- Ford’s Theatre, where President Lincoln was assassinated
- House where the President died
- Urn burial
- The Death of Abel
- Hidatsas burial scaffolds
- When a man mourned he cut off his hair, painted his body with white clay
- Martyrdom of St. Edmund by the Danes
- Tomb of Edward III. in Westminster Abbey
- Brass to Sir John D’Abernon
- The Old Lychgate, Penshurst
- Brass to a merchant
- With an effort he looked at them as they passed
- Stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr
- Luke hanged on an olive tree
- Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
- Beheading of James, the son of Zebedee
- Beheading of John The Baptist
- The Manner of Beheading
- The capital Punishment of the Cord
- The Ashtabula Disaster
- The Old Bridge
- The new bridge, with temporary underpinning
- Field mouse caught in an unbaited guillotine trap
- Field mouse caught in baited guillotine trap
- The Centralia Conspiracy
- Australian Natives Burning their Dead
- Indian Burial Ground
- Section of Drain
- Chaldean Jar-Coffins
- Chaldean dish-cover tombs
- Chaldean Tomb
- Brick Vault at Mugheir
- Anhai bowing before her father and mother. The Elysian Fields. From the Papyrus of Anhai (XXIInd dynasty)
- The weighing of the heart of the scribe Ani in the Balance in the presence of the gods
- The soul of Rā
- The Elysian Fields of the Egyptians according to the Papyrus of Nebseni (XVIIIth dynasty)
- The Elysian Fields of the Egyptians according to the Papyrus of Ani (XVIIIth dynasty)
- Horus, the son of Isis, leading the scribe Ani into the presence of Osiris, the god and judge of the dead
- One of many old stones on Burial Hill
- The flood strikes the Cambria iron works
- Frightful struggles for life
- Recovering the bodies of victims
- Wagon and Boat, from a mummy bandage
- Elegant Sledge-Hearse
- Egyptian Sledge-Hearse
- An Egyptian Funeral Cortege
- The Plague in London
- Death of a chief
- Indian gravestone showing the totem of the Turtle
- The Last Hours of Lincoln