- Malay privy
- A Gumdigger's Holiday
- Sketch of Schnapper
- The Pious Man's Cow
- Gum Scraper's Knife, constructed so that blade can be replaced when worn out
- Gum Scraping
- The Kauri Bug
- The Mantis
- The Weta, Female
- The Weta, Male
- He evidently viewed it with distrust
- The Supreme Moment
- Heavy Bush, Matakohe
- Peripatus novæ zealandiæ
- A New Zealander
- The Arpa
- Australian Natives Burning their Dead
- Fijian
- Tattooed New Zealander
- Australian Aborigine
- Typical natives of the Sandwich Islands
- Tree, from beneath which Cook observed the transit of Venus
- Three Indians emerged from the wood
- Tattooed head of a New Zealander
- Tahitian flute-player
- Tahitian fleet off Oparee
- New Zealand war canoe
- Head-dresses of natives of Tahiti
- Heads of Australoid Types
- Near the Bay of Manilla
- Natives of Vanikoro
- Natives of New Guinea
- Native of Ualan
- Dumont d'Urville
- A Morai at Kayakakoua
- One of the guard of the King of the Sandwich Islands
- New Zealanders 2