Home / Albums / Tag Indigenous 162
- Twins Hunting
- Twins drumming
- Dancers dressed as wolves
- Ahole
- Common Hopi sun symbol
- Kwátaka, bird with sun symbolism
- “Big-head,” a solar god
- Screen of the Alósaka
- Travel by canoe
- Travel by canoe
- Ornaments
- Samuel de Champlain
- Tools and Pottery
- Worship the Manitou
- Weapons
- Indians of Wisconsin
- The Mound builders
- Sitting Bull
- Buffalo grazing
- Hidatsas burial scaffolds
- Drums on a summer's evening
- Grandfather sacred medicines
- At this hour, fires burned before most of the tepees
- Winter Camp
- To eke out our store of corn and keep the pot boiling, my father hunted much of the time
- My father stabled his horses at night in our lodge, in a little corral fenced off against the wall
- Turtle, I think, was the last woman in the tribe to use an old-fashioned, bone-bladed hoe
- Turtle’s hoe was made of the shoulder bone of a buffalo set in a light-wood handle, the blade firmly bound in place with thong
- Inside the lodge
- Old Turtle made me a dolly of deer skin stuffed with antelope hair
- Winter clothing
- A heavy wind blew the snow in our faces, nearly blinding us
- I saw that the black-bear skin was bound to one of the posts at the entrance
- Gardening
- The wild geese had come north, but this fact alone was not proof that winter had gone
- Harvesting
- Baby-like, I ran my fingers through the shiny grain, spilling a few kernels on the floor
- Turtle and her old-fashioned digging stick
- Two braves
- It had a long curved beak
- Life in an Earth Lodge
- The beds of the rest of the family stood in the back of the lodge, against the wall
- Red Blossom sat on the edge of her bed and finished her toilet
- She had a little fawn-skin bag, worked with red porcupine quills
- An earthen pot full of water stood by one of the posts near the fire
- My mothers dipped each a big horn spoon full of water
- Childhood games
- They looked very terrible, all painted with the lower half of the face black
- My little half sister was my usual playmate. She was two years younger than I, and I loved her dearly
- We also had a big, soft ball, stuffed with antelope hair, which we would bounce in the air with the foot
- The game was to see how many times she could be tossed without falling
- Until I was about nine years old, my hair was cut short
- Offering food before the shrine of the Big Birds’ ceremony
- As the man sat in his lodge, there came a clap of thunder and lightning struck his roof, tearing a great hole
- Big Birds’ ceremony
- Kinship
- Sing louder cousin, sing louder, that I may hear you
- When a man mourned he cut off his hair, painted his body with white clay
- Snake Head-Ornament came close to her and fired off his gun
- Indian Dogs