Home / Albums / Places / America / Mexico and Central America 43

- A man smoking a Maya's string-tied cigar
- Basaltic Columns, Regia, Mexico
- Court and Tower of the Palace, Palenque
- Another representation of the Elephant-headed Rain god
- Reproduction of a Picture in the Maya Codex Troano representing the Rain-god Chac treading upon the Serpent's head
- Representation of the ancient Mexican Worship of the Sun
- Interior of a Silver mine in Mexico
- Mexican Ox-cart
- Otomi Indian Girls, Mexico
- Mexican Water-carrier.
- Aztec cluster of bells
- Aztec drums
- Pipes of the Aztecs
- Antique pipe from central America
- Aztec whistles
- Conventional Serpent of the Mayas used for Decorative Purposes
- Analysis of Mexican Record
- A Mexican Orchestra
- Vessel with “Cloisonné” Decoration in Heavy Pigments
- Typical Mayan Inscription
- Typical Elaborated Serpents of the Mayas
- The Two-Headed Dragon
- Types of Human Heads on the Lintels of Yaxchilan
- The Quetzal as represented on a Painted Cylindrical Vase from Copan
- The Front Head of the Two-Headed Dragon
- Sculpture on Upper Part of Stela 11, Seibal
- Sculpture on Front of Lintel at Yaxchilan
- Sahagun’s Plan of the Tecpan in Mexico City
- Painted Design on Cylindrical Bowl
- Mayan Basket represented in Stone Sculpture
- Mayan Ceremony as represented in the Dresden Codex
- Mask Panel over Doorway at Xkichmook. Yucatan
- Late Sculpture from Chichen Itza
- Jointed Doll of Clay from San Juan Teotihuacan
- Jaguar in Dresden Codex
- Jaguar Head on Disk-Shaped Stone
- Grotesque Face on the Back of Stela B
- Gods in the Dresden Codex
- Details from the Stone of Tizoc
- Detail showing the Construction of the Face of Coatlicue
- Design on Engraved Pot representing a Tiger seated in a Wreath of Water Lilies
- Adoratorio
- View of the Pyramid of Xochicalco