Home / Albums / Tag Stringed instrument 69

- Holding the bow
- Position of the left hand and the left arm
- Bowing
- Bowing
- Constituent parts of the violin - Exterior
- Rabab
- Raba—Indian violin
- Constituent parts of the bow
- Constituent parts of the violin - Interior
- The bow
- Two angels
- 1800 2
- Harp
- The samisen
- The Koto
- Queen Mary's Harp
- Lamont Harp
- A juggler, after a miniature
- Saw Ou
- Ta'khay, or Alligator
- Saw Tai
- The Burmese Soung
- Hindu Dancing girls and Musicians
- Group of Western Lyres
- Triangular Musical instrument from Herculaneum
- Group of Harps and other musical instruments
- Vielle
- Viola da gamba
- German fiddle, ninth century
- Anglo-saxon fiddle
- The French Crout
- The old English 'crowd'
- The Crwth
- Irish Rotta
- Rotta
- German rotte
- Ancient Irish harp
- Harp, ninth century
- Anglo-saxon harp
- Citole
- Psalterium
- The rebab
- Persian dulcimer
- Turkish harp
- Hindustan, vina
- Greek Lyres
- Grecian harp and lyre
- A Niam-niam minstrel
- Maud Powell
- A Band of Minstrels
- The Beverley Minstrels
- Royal Harper
- Nun and Friar with Musical Instruments
- Mediæval Dance
- Harper
- How to hold the Cello bow
- How to hold the Cello
- Barbiton
- Santir
- Rebab Esh-Sha'er