- I want to get up
- The Sleeping Beauty
- Sleeping Beauty awakes
- Sleeping Beauty still asleep
- Girl looking out window at some birds in a nest
- Baby and Tom in bed waiting for Santa
- Tony was wrapped in a wool blanket
- Sammy didn't see the little man with twinkling eyes and queer clothes who entered the room
- The beds of the rest of the family stood in the back of the lodge, against the wall
- Red Blossom sat on the edge of her bed and finished her toilet
- The Widow's Son Restored to Life
- Miss Waterlow in bed
- She decides to die in spite of Dr. Bottles
- Young girl in bed
- A strange face was bending over her
- Stepping down from the vase and crowding round Hugh's ed
- Boy sleeping
- Curly-headed girl sitting up in bed
- Harry tending his mother
- Lady sitting by the side of a man in bed
- Lady kneeling beside bed with a man in it
- Man watching girl aleep in bed
- Doctor visiting sick girl in bed
- Nurse sitting down beside a patient in bed
- Mother and small girl in bed saying goodight
- Man wakes up while a burglar is staling his silverware
- Man talking to man in hospital bed
- Man kneeling beside bed holding the arms of a child
- Man in bed havinga bad dream
- Man awake in bed at 3 am
- Man fallen out of bed
- Man adjusting scarf while looking at lady sleeping in bed
- Maid looking at sleeping man in bed
- Maid consoles small boy kneeling on the bed
- Maid bringing a candle to a scared child in bed
- Maid and mother talking to unhappy boy in bed
- Lady visiting man in hospital
- LAdy talks to girl in bed
- Lady stretching in fron of open window while man looks on from in bed
- Lady and small girl visiting a lady in bed
- Haughty maid talking to a man visiting lady in bed
- Couple looking out the window from in bed
- Chorus of cats keeping man awake
- Butler bring a steaming hot bowl of soup to a man in bed
- Burglar pointing a gun at man in bed
- Boy not too excited about breakfast
- Boy in bed talking to his mother
- Scared girl clinging to mother outside bedroom with a man in the bed
- Pertubed woman in bed talking to the maid
- Boy lying on the bed
- Young girl lying in bed
- Cock Crow
- Mother giving medicine to girl in bed
- Girl sleeping
- Get Up!
- Boy in bed in dormitory
- Girl reading to a boy who is in bed
- Lincoln Studying