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- The Woman’s Temple
- The Auditorium Tower
- St. Laurens, near Middelburg, Zeeland
- Dordrecht (dated 1702)
- Dordrecht, South Holland
- Boxmeer, North Brabant
- Breda, North Brabant
- Middelburg, Zeeland
- Nijmegen, Gelderland (dated 1544)
- Spaarwoude, North Holland
- Veere, Zeeland
- Haarlem, North Holland
- Leiden, Rhijnland (dated 1612)
- Franeker, Friesland
- Gorinchem (Gorcum), South Holland
- Groningen (1509)
- Haarlem, North Holland
- Dordrecht, South Holland
- Court and Tower of the Palace, Palenque
- Temple Bar, London
- Saxon Church at Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts
- Tower in the Earlier Style. Church at Earl's Barton
- The Tower of London
- Old St. Paul's, from the East
- Christ's Hospital
- The Pyramids of Gizeh
- Villa of an Egyptian Noble
- Orientation of a house to the sun
- A well
- The Kitchen
- An eight-matted parlour
- The Porch - Open and Latticed
- A six-matted room and verandah
- A House without a gate
- Door Fastenings
- A roofed and a pair gate
- A House and a Gate
- Arbalestina
- Château-Gaillard, Plan
- Cardiff Castle, Glamorgan
- Caerphilly Castle, Ground plan
- Caerphilly Castle
- Caernarvon Castle, Bird’s-eye View
- Caernarvon Castle, Battlements
- Berkeley Castle, Plan
- Berkeley Castle, Keep
- Beaumaris Castle, Ground Plan
- Beaumaris Castle, Entrance
- Beaumaris Castle, Bird's Eye View
- Gallery in the Great Pyramid
- Great Hall of Columns at Karnak (Restored)