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- Chair of the Ninth or Tenth Century
- The Curule Chair
- ... thrust a leaden bodkin into the head of that image
- ‘... called secretly at the chamber dore’
- ‘... cast her into a cauldron’
- ‘... compellyd them for to devour the same writte’
- ‘... constructed a pantomime dragon on the pattern of the real article’
- '... crossed to England’'
- ... caused to sytte down and in large wyse to gape
- ... sware ‘gret othes’ and took himself by the hair
- Robert Berewold in the pillory
- The unfortunate “fowle” was “hurten so sore”’
- sat for its portrait to Matthew Paris
- A young novice of the priory
- A ‘herauld’
- Pilgrims
- ‘The broken bough fell on the head of a man standing down below’
- ‘The tiger and the mirror’
- ‘The young Edward III.’
- ‘When a lion looks at you it becomes a leopard’
- ‘Dymoke of Scrivelsby’
- ‘Hakeney’
- ‘He incontinently fled’
- ‘Henry’s badge’
- ‘St. Piran’
- ‘latten “Agnus Dei”’
- ‘... playing innumerable pranks’
- ‘... showed him his injuries’
- ‘... thrust him out of the church’
- ‘... with drawn swords stood in the doorway’
- ‘An impromptu entertainment by three minstrels’
- ‘Diabolus ligatus’
- ‘... failed to identify the geese’
- ‘... fully armed with swords and bucklers’
- ‘... got his arms round a branch’
- ‘... gyrd abowte his bodye in iij places with towells and gyrdylls’
- ‘... led through the middle of the city’
- ‘... ducking him in a horse-pond’
- Angler
- fysshynge
- fysshynge
- fysshynge
- Saxon Horsemen
- Bear-baiting
- Arbalest
- Arbalester
- Canon with Aumuse
- An Ale-stake
- Mounted Crossbowman
- Crossbowmen
- A store of crossbow bolts, shafts and heads
- Crossbowman approaching game
- How a crossbowman should approach animals
- Arbalestina
- Crossbowmen
- A ship of war, wth crossbowmen
- Crossbowmen
- Crossbowmen
- An 11th century knight, after the Bayeux tapestry
- A domed church