- Frederick the Great
- The Muscular Form Small - Princess Anne
- Carolina of Austria
- His Highness Prince Mahomet Ali, Cairo, February 14, 1898
- New Environs of Ekaterinburg
- Plan of Ipatiev’s House and Grounds and of Upper and Basement Floors
- Queen Victoria
- Charlemagne crowned
- The Bastille
- Marie Antoinette on the way to the Guillotine
- Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI
- Louis XVI
- Louis XIII, King of France
- Queen Elizabeth’s Travelling Coach
- King Narmer
- Good evening, gentlemen, evidently you were not expecting me
- Frederick at the watch-fire before the battle of Liegnitz
- Frederick stood on the bloody field like one dazed
- Vespasian
- Asiatic Monarch
- The Duchess of Kent, with Princess Victoria at the age of two
- The Queens first council - Kensington Palace June 20 1837
- Corean Costumes
- The coronation of her majesty Queen Victoria
- Her majesty leaving Buckingham Palace on the morning of the coronation
- Her majesty leaving her private apartments in Westminster Abbey
- The procession approaching Westminster Abbey
- Marshall Soult's State Carriage
- Her majesty’s State Carriage
- Queen Victoria
- Charlemagne
- Great Seal of King Stephen
- Great Seal of King Henry the First
- From the Great Seal of Alexander I, King of Scotland
- Great Shield of William the Conqueror
- Anglo-Saxon warriors
- Second Great Seal of King Richard I
- First Great Seal of King Richard I
- The Queen's first baby
- Queen Victoria - Age 18
- Queen Victoria - Age 8
- Queen Victoria - 1891
- Her Majesty Queen Victoria
- Louis XVI on the leads of the temple
- Louis XIV, for the first time, receiving his ministers
- West Front of Kensington Palace
- The Royal Arms
- Queen Caroline’s Drawing-Room, Kensington Palace.
- Marriage of Queen Victoria
- King William IV
- Distant View of Windsor Castle
- Death of the Duke of Kent - Presenting the commons’ address of condolence to the Duchess at Kensington Palace
- William IV
- The Kentish Lady that did not go to the Coronation
- Coronation Day
- A Half-Crownation
- Royal Harper
- King, &c., in Pavilion before Castle
- Entry of Queen Isabel of Bavaria into Paris, a.d. 1389
- Coronation Procession of Charles V. of France