Home / Albums / Tag Occupations 269
- Any Earthen Ware, buy a jug or a tea pot
- Fresh Oysters, penny a lot
- Buy my sweet Roses
- Ere's yer toys for girls an boys
- Fine Large Cucumbers
- Curds and Whey
- Ripe Cherries
- Tiddy Diddy Doll
- Large silver eels
- The Sandwich Man
- The Push-cart Man
- Blacksmiths
- The Hell-roaring forty-niners
- An Egyptian Water-Carrier
- The Waiter
- The Huckster
- The Guileless Hackman
- The Adventuress
- A Petit Souper
- The Syce on duty
- Chimney Sweeping Described
- Costume of Shepherds in the Twelfth Century
- The Printing of Books
- Part of a Telephone Exchange
- Leathern Apron
- Beginning a Tunnel
- The Last Span - ready to join
- The Summer that the rain came not
- A servant with tucked sleeves
- A shop in Tokyo
- She decides to die in spite of Dr. Bottles
- The Fire Alarm
- The Hoze nozzle
- The brave fireman
- Plowing in Canaan
- John Clarkson
- Catching a ground ball
- Ball hit high to the in-field
- William Ewing
- The Catcher
- The flax wheel
- The Collector of refuse hair
- The Diviner
- The Infallible Remedy
- A Chinese sedan chair and bearers
- A Texas Cowboy
- A Woman making stockings
- A Watchman
- A Mandarin of Distinction
- Interior of a Silver mine in Mexico
- Sections of an English Coal Mine
- Miners Descending a Shaft
- The Typist
- Chinese Mandarin
- Negro Smiths at Work
- Mexican Water-carrier.
- Small Wigs and Big Fees
- Trapper type—American
- Otaitai, or Porter's Basket
- Wood-sawyer at Ulm