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Representative Protozoa associated with cockroaches

Representative Protozoa associated with cockroaches.jpg Evania appendigasterThumbnailsThe cockroach miteEvania appendigasterThumbnailsThe cockroach miteEvania appendigasterThumbnailsThe cockroach miteEvania appendigasterThumbnailsThe cockroach miteEvania appendigasterThumbnailsThe cockroach miteEvania appendigasterThumbnailsThe cockroach mite
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Representative Protozoa associated with cockroaches.
A, Monocercomonoides melolonthae, X 3094 (after Grassé).
B, Coelosporidium periplanetae, X 1310 (after Sprague); trophozoite with spores and chromatoid bodies.
C, Endamoeba blattae, X 273 (after Kudo); trophozoite.
D, Lophomonas striata, X 330 (after Kudo).
E, Lophomonas blattarum, X 660 (after Kudo).
F, Retortamonas blattae, X 3094 (after Wenrich).
G, Nyctotherus ovalis, X 175 (after Kudo).
H, Gregarina rhyparobiae, c. X 52: mature trophozoite attached to intestinal wall of Leucophaea maderae. (Redrawn from J. M. Watson [1945].)
I, Diplocystis schneideri, c. X 14.4 (after Kunstler).
J, Gregarina blattarum, c. X 57 (after Kudo).
K, Protomagalhaesia serpentula, X 36 (after Pinto).
L, Gamocystis tenax, magnification not known (after Schneider).

The Biotic Associations of Cockroaches
Author: Louis M. Roth and Edwin R. Willis
Available from gutenberg.org