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Cockroach-hunting wasps

Cockroach-hunting wasps.jpg Filaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesOtiobius (Ornithodoros) megnini, head of nymphFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesOtiobius (Ornithodoros) megnini, head of nymphFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesOtiobius (Ornithodoros) megnini, head of nymphFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesOtiobius (Ornithodoros) megnini, head of nymphFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesOtiobius (Ornithodoros) megnini, head of nymphFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesOtiobius (Ornithodoros) megnini, head of nymph
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Cockroach-hunting wasps.
A, Dolichurus stantoni leading a nymph of Blattella lituricollis to her nest, c. X 4.
B, Podium haematogastrum attaching her egg to an Epilampra sp. while on the side of a termite mound that contains the wasp's nest, c. X 1.6.
C, Epilampra sp. parasitized by P. haematogastrum showing the wasp's egg attached to the right fore coxa, c. X 3.2.

The Biotic Associations of Cockroaches
Author: Louis M. Roth and Edwin R. Willis
Available from gutenberg.org