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Queen Philippa

Queen Philippa.jpg Mr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the ConfessorMr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the ConfessorMr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the ConfessorMr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the ConfessorMr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the ConfessorMr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the ConfessorMr HobbsThumbnailsKing Edward the Confessor
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Philippa, Queen of Edward III, was a daughter of the Count of Hainault. While the King her husband was in France, the northern counties were invaded by David King of Scotland, at the head of above 50,000 men. This heroic princess assembled an army of about 12,000 of which she appointed the Lord Percy, general and not only ventured to approach the enemy, but rode through the ranks of the soldiers, and exhorted every man to do his duty, and would not retire from the field, till the armies were on the point of engaging. In this memorable battle, the King of Scots was taken prisoner. The story of the condemned citizens of Calais, said to have been saved at the intercession of Philippa, is of very doubtful authority.

Admirable Curiosities, Rarities and Wonders
In England, Scotland and Ireland
By Richard Burton
Published in 1811
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