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Clara Barton

Clara Barton.jpg Alice Cunningham FletcherMiniaturesFrances Hodgson BurnettAlice Cunningham FletcherMiniaturesFrances Hodgson BurnettAlice Cunningham FletcherMiniaturesFrances Hodgson BurnettAlice Cunningham FletcherMiniaturesFrances Hodgson BurnettAlice Cunningham FletcherMiniaturesFrances Hodgson BurnettAlice Cunningham FletcherMiniaturesFrances Hodgson Burnett
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The Girl Who Unfurled The First American Red Cross Flag.

It was Big Brother David who taught the little sister many things that were to make her a very practical “Angel of the Battlefield.” At five years of age, thanks to his training, she rode wild horses like a young Mexican. This skill in managing any horse meant the saving of countless lives when she had to gallop all night in a trooper’s saddle to reach the wounded men. David taught her, also, to drive a nail straight, to tie a knot that would hold, and to think and act quickly.

The Project Gutenberg eBook, When They Were Girls, by Rebecca Deming Moore, Edited by Helen Mildred Owen, Illustrated by Mabel Betsy Hill