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Distinguished Guests

Distinguished Guests.jpg An Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter DinnerAn Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter DinnerAn Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter DinnerAn Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter DinnerAn Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter DinnerAn Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter DinnerAn Early DepartureThumbnailsAfter Dinner
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The “season” begins about the time Parliament opens, and Parliament’s opening and closing depends more or less on fox-hunting and grouse-shooting. As the “season” approaches, town-houses are opened and “green” servants are broken in; secretaries busy themselves with lists and stationery, and the winter campaign begins immediately upon the family’s return to town. As a London house is seldom needed for more than the formal entertainments of a season, it is in most cases hired; consequently, it is seldom attractive. Acquaintances are entertained in the city, and friends are taken into the country to spend the week’s end on the family estate, surrounded by the household gods and the most attractive side of all England.

London as seen by Charles Dana Gibson
by Charles Dana Gibson
Published 1897
Available as a free download from gutenberg.org