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House-builder Moth

House-builder Moth.jpg American Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta ButterflyAmerican Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta ButterflyAmerican Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta ButterflyAmerican Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta ButterflyAmerican Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta ButterflyAmerican Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta ButterflyAmerican Luna MothThumbnailsNeglecta Butterfly
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Young in House, Winged Male, Young Suspended and Bag-like Female in Longitudinally-Split Cocoon.

During the winter the curious weather-beaten bags of these worms may be observed hanging from the tree-branches, apparently without a trace of the odd-looking creatures that hung them there the autumn before. If a number of these bags are gathered and cut open at this time, many of them will be discovered to be empty, but the greater portion will be found partly full of yellow eggs. Those which do not contain eggs are male bags, and the empty chrysalis of the male will be found protruding from the lower extremity. Upon close examination these eggs will be observed to be obovate in form, soft and opaque, about one-twentieth of an inch in length, and surrounded by more or less fawn-colored silky down. If left to themselves, they hatch sometime in May, or early in June.

Intelligence in Plants and Animals
Thomas George Gentry
Published 1900
Available from gutenberg.org