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A Son of Pan

A Son of Pan.jpg A quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friendsA quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friendsA quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friendsA quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friendsA quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friendsA quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friendsA quiet dinner with Dr. Bottles -  after which he reads aloud miss Babbles’s latest workThumbnailsA widow and her friends
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“A Son of Pan,” by William Padgett.

Example of outline drawing, put in solidly with a brush. If this had been done with pencil or autographic chalk, much of the feeling and expression of the original would have been lost. The drawing has suffered slightly in reproduction, where (as in the shadows on the neck and hands) the lines were pale in the original.

Size of drawing 11½ × 6½ in. Zinc process.

The Art of Illustration
2nd ed.
Author: Henry Blackburn
Published 1896
Available from gutenberg.org