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Old London Bridge

Old London Bridge.jpg Royal Arms of England from Richard I. to Edward IIIThumbnailsThe Tower of LondonRoyal Arms of England from Richard I. to Edward IIIThumbnailsThe Tower of LondonRoyal Arms of England from Richard I. to Edward IIIThumbnailsThe Tower of LondonRoyal Arms of England from Richard I. to Edward IIIThumbnailsThe Tower of London
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Houses were erected in course of time along the Bridge on either side like a street, but with intervals; and along the roadway in the middle were chain posts to protect the passengers. As the Bridge was only 40 feet wide the houses must have been small. But they were built out at the back overhanging the river, and the roadway itself was not intended for carts or wheeled vehicles. Remember that everything was brought to the City on pack horse or pack ass. The table of Tolls sanctioned by King Edward I. makes no mention of cart or waggon at all. Men on horseback and loaded horses can get along with a very narrow road. Perhaps we may allow twelve feet for the road which gives for the houses on either side a depth of 14 feet each.

The History of London
By Walter Besant
Available from gutenberg.org