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Ball hit high to the in-field

ball hit high to the in-field.jpg Catching a ground ballMiniaturesCatching a ground ballMiniaturesCatching a ground ballMiniaturesCatching a ground ballMiniaturesCatching a ground ballMiniaturesCatching a ground ballMiniatures
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By far the most difficult catch on a ball field is that of a ball hit high to the in-field, because of the great "twist" to the ball. The slightest failure to get the ball fairly in the hands will result in a miss, and yet this is always greeted by derisive howls from certain among the spectators. There are various styles of catching these hits, but the position of the hands shown in the accompanying cut is believed to be the best.

The hands should be reached well up to meet the ball and then brought down easily in the line of its course. If the hands and arms are held stiff, the ball will rebound from them as though it had struck a stone. The use of a glove on one hand may be found helpful in counteracting the effect of the twist. The short-stop is expected to try for all such hits falling in his own position, and also all falling back of the third baseman and in short left-field.

How to Become a Player
By John M. Ward
Published 1888
Available from gutenberg.org