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The shimada and ‘rounded chignon.’

The shimada and ‘rounded chignon.’.png Inverted MaidehairThumbnailsYoung girls’ hairInverted MaidehairThumbnailsYoung girls’ hairInverted MaidehairThumbnailsYoung girls’ hairInverted MaidehairThumbnailsYoung girls’ hairInverted MaidehairThumbnailsYoung girls’ hair
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For young women the formal coiffure is the shimada, so called from the name of the town on the high road between Tokyo and Kyoto, where it first came into fashion. In this the hair is gathered and tied tightly at or near the crown together with a large tuft of false hair. The tip is folded in forward; the hair is then folded twice in the same direction as the tip so that the edge of the fold is half an inch or less behind the knot; and the whole is turned over the knot in such a way that the edge of the second fold is forward of the crown. Then, by a string passing over the knot the fold is tied down. The chignon is formed by spreading out the hair; sometimes a piece of paper, of the size of the chignon, is well pomaded and put under the surface of the chignon to help it to keep in place. The size of the chignon varies with the wearer’s taste; but, generally speaking, a young woman’s is larger than her elder sister’s. Its position too varies, as it depends upon that of the first knot, whether over or behind the crown. In the formal coiffure of a young lady of social standing it is close to the crown; but girls in a lower station of life or anxious to be thought chic prefer the chignon to be more to the back of the head.

Home Life in Tokyo
Author: Jukichi Inouye
Published: 1910
Available from gutenberg.org