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Centaurea babylonica

Centaurea babylonica.jpg Open Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to executionOpen Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to executionOpen Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to executionOpen Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to executionOpen Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to executionOpen Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to executionOpen Bible on desk ThumbnailsTwo young girls led to execution
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Among the Centaureas there are a few subjects which might be used among hardy fine-leaved plants, but by far the most distinct and remarkable is the very silvery-leaved C. babylonica. This is quite hardy, and when planted in good ground, sends up strong shoots, clad with yellow flowers, to a height of 10 ft. or 12 ft. The bloom, which continues from July to September, is not by any means so attractive as the leaves; but the plant is at all times picturesque. In `groups`, or, still better, isolated, on rough or undulating parts of pleasure-grounds, it has a very fine effect. A free sandy loam suits it best.

The Subtropical Garden;
or, beauty of form in the flower garden.
Author: W. Robinson
Published in 1871
Available from gutenberg.org