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The Common Hedgehog with his Battery of Spines

The Common Hedgehog with his Battery of Spines.jpg The Starling. One of the Talking BirdsThumbnailsThe Three-banded Armadillo. An Animal in a Coat of MailThe Starling. One of the Talking BirdsThumbnailsThe Three-banded Armadillo. An Animal in a Coat of MailThe Starling. One of the Talking BirdsThumbnailsThe Three-banded Armadillo. An Animal in a Coat of MailThe Starling. One of the Talking BirdsThumbnailsThe Three-banded Armadillo. An Animal in a Coat of MailThe Starling. One of the Talking BirdsThumbnailsThe Three-banded Armadillo. An Animal in a Coat of MailThe Starling. One of the Talking BirdsThumbnailsThe Three-banded Armadillo. An Animal in a Coat of Mail
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The hedgehog is about a foot long and six inches high, with small black eyes and sharp-pointed head. The odd thing about it is the fact that where most animals are covered with hair this[303] one is covered with spines, hard and sharp, like little thorns. These grow to be about an inch long and there are muscles in the back that cause them to stand up and stick out in all directions.

When a dog gets busy about a hedgehog, it does not try to run away. All it does is to roll itself up into a ball, its head and tail meeting over its lower parts and its spines sticking up all around. When the dog gets these into his nose a few times he is apt to lose his taste for hedgehog meat. He may roll the animal about with his paws, but that does no good, and he soon goes away with sore head and paws, leaving the hedgehog to unroll and make its way back to its burrow.

When taken home and fed it soon becomes very tame and friendly. It can be handled with safety, for when it is not rolled up its spines lie flat along its back, so that its friends can stroke its back and scratch its nose without harm. These it likes to have done. When it is put on a table it does not a bit mind taking a dive to the floor, for it rolls up so to fall on its spines and thus is not hurt.

A tame hedgehog is a good thing to keep in a garden or kitchen, for it helps to clear the one of worms and the other of roaches and sometimes will catch and kill a rat. It is not afraid to attack snakes, even poisonous ones like the viper. The poison does not seem to do it any harm.

Home Life in All Lands--Book III--Animal Friends and Helpers
by Charles Morris
Published in 1911
Available from gutenberg.org