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Great Seal of King Henry the First

Great Seal of King Henry the First.png A Sally across the DrawbridgeThumbnailsLondon CabA Sally across the DrawbridgeThumbnailsLondon CabA Sally across the DrawbridgeThumbnailsLondon CabA Sally across the DrawbridgeThumbnailsLondon CabA Sally across the DrawbridgeThumbnailsLondon CabA Sally across the DrawbridgeThumbnailsLondon Cab
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Great Seal of King Henry I., circa 1100. From Cotton Charter, ii. 2 (in British Museum). The instrument is a confirmation of the gift of Newton by "Radulfus filius Godrici," and is witnessed by Queen Matilda and others.
The material of the hauberk is represented by that honeycomb-work so often observed in seals of this period, and which appears to be one of the many modes in use to imitate the web of interlinked chain-mail. The leg does not shew any markings as of armour, but these may have disappeared from the softening of the wax, and the prominence of the seal at this part. The helmet is a plain conical cap of steel, without nasal : the spur a simple goad. The lance-flag terminating in three points, is ensigned with a Cross. The shield is of the kite-form, shewing the rivets by which the wood and leather portions of it were held together. The peytrel of the horse has the usual pendent ornaments of the time.

Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe
By John Hewitt
Published in 1855
Available from books.google.com